
About the ShallBe Salon

About the ShallBe Salon

March 11, 2011 marked a turning point in the way the people of Japan view the world and their place in it. The catastrophe resulting from the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, the mind boggling damage caused by the tsunami coupled with the extensive loss of life has caused the people of Japan to realize that they are not alone. The subsequent outpouring of encouragement and support from around the world sent clear and resounding messages that all echoed the same sentiment. The majority of the messages contained words that express the ideal, "We shall be with you always." These words convey the notion that those sending the messages will do their best to help the people of Japan however and whenever they can. The expression "We shall be with you always" prompts the concept that we can and should be more thoughtful towards each other in our daily lives. To this end, the ShallBe Salon takes part of this expression as its name and the entire expression as its vision. The encouragement and support we bring you may be modest, but we will aspire to be there for you however and whenever we can.

Shallbe Salon Classes and Services Available

A sound mind and sound body: Classes available through the ShallBe Salon include exercise (primarily Pilates and Yoga) and conversational language (primarily English and Chinese).
A variety of other services are also available through the ShallBe Salon, all aimed at making your life a bit less stressful.

Exercise Classes

Originally developed during the First World War by Joseph H. Pilates, as physical therapy for wounded soldiers, Pilates are a great way to safely and effectively begin to develop your physical strength and improve the balance of your entire body. As such, our Pilates classes are appropriate for those who wish to start an exercise program, develop physical strength and to improve their lifestyle habits.

Yoga Classes

Our Hata Yoga classes are appropriate for those suffering from an accumulation of mental and physical stress. Our yoga classes will assist you in improving your mental and physical balance through isometric exercises, stretching through a conscious focus on breathing, physical mobility and flexibility. Our yoga classes will help you become more confident in your physical and mental capabilities. Direct benefits include improved muscle tone, balance, flexibility and mental clarity. If you have difficulty standing, you can still participate in our yoga classes using a chair specifically designed for the purpose.

Conversational Language Classes

Recent studies have shown that learning languages help to increase mental acuity and stave off debilitating mental disorders and diseases. To this end we offer conversational language classes that are appropriate for those interested in mastering conversational skills in English or Chinese. As we believe that our instructors should be native speakers in the language they are teaching, our instructors are from places like the UK, Australia, Canada, America and China.
In addition to listening and learning about our instructors' native language and supplementing what you may already know about it, you will enjoy and benefit from the cultural exchange that takes place. Trial lessons are available upon request.

The simple things that make life better: Additional Services Available

The following services, all aimed at making your life a bit less stressful, are available:

* Feed and care for your animals while you are away.
* Trim your garden trees.
* Take care of home maintenance tasks.
* Serve as a hospital attendant when you can't be there.
* Select and make reservations for you at a restaurant meeting your dining preferences.

We at ShallBe are ready to serve you as an instructor, concierge, secretary, and/or messenger. In any situation, our goal is to make your life just a bit less stressful. Let us know how we can be of service to you. We Shallbe with you always.


☆Think and behave from customers' point of view!

☆Be delighted by others' fun and happiness!

☆Never forget defiant and enterprise sprit!

ShallBe Salon
